Leadership Thoughts

Congrats Molly on Getting A Shot of Freedom!

Congrats Molly on Getting A Shot of Freedom!
Congrats Molly on Getting A Shot of Freedom!
Author : Ashley Mehta

Congrats Molly on Getting A Shot of Freedom!

Molly Stegman, a former Nolij intern, demonstrated bravery, selflessness, and for some, did the unthinkable. In March, Covid struck and took lives, and no one knew how Covid would attack the weak or strong. At the time, Molly was a thriving biology major at Virginia Tech and working as an EMT for Blacksburg Rescue. The university suddenly shifted to all remote learning and sent the students home. Covid thought it had derailed Molly’s ability to get hands-on experience, but when you are brave and a determined young woman, you overcome the challenges in front of you! Back in her home town, as the Covid scare was at new heights, Molly teamed up with her family physician to provide much-needed support to his busy practice. While the rest of us questioned her judgment, Molly persevered to overcome her Covid fears and help others fight off Covid.

Today we share a proud picture of her receiving her first Covid vaccination dose before she heads back to school! We can’t be prouder of our former intern! One more reason to empower women in the workplace!

Excellent job Molly, and congrats on your first vaccination dose. Thank you!

As a side note, if you get Covid, please call your physician and start your treatment immediately.